Friendship won…

Але результат є результат …⛵️⛵️⛵️

Тож, нагадаємо, що 30-31 липня 2022 року в яхт-клубі «Січ» пройшла традиційна регата з вітрильного спорту на призи Яхт-клубу «Січ» за організації Благодійна організація «Благодійний фонд Січ». У змаганнях взяли участь 20 юних яхтсмени. Найбільша боротьба розгорнулася у класі «Оптиміст», де 1 місце 🥇 серед дівчат зайняла Герасименко Анастасія, 2 🥈 – Слободян Ярослава, 3 🥉 – Черевко Ева. Серед юнаків 1 🥇 місце посів Рильський Андрій, 2- 🥈 Горбонос Дмитро, 3 🥉 – Ящук Данило.

Вітаємо !!!

Opening of traditional competitions in Yacht Club “Sich” !!!

30 липня 2022 року у нашому яхт-клубі провели відкриття традиційних дитячих змагань на призи Яхт-клубу «Січ», при підтримці торгової марки «Біла Береза» (ТМ «Біла Береза»). Ініциатором цих традиційних змагань з вітрильного спорту стала Федерация вітрильного спорту Дніпропетровскоі області та президент Яхт-клубу «Січ» В’ячеслав Дідик та Благодійна організація «Благодійний фонд Січ».

Перегони в цей раз триватимуть два дні в акваторії клубу. Відкриття провели заслужений тренер України Валерій Гусенко (Валерий Гусенко), заслужений тренер України Олександр Герасименко та тренер Наталя Ажгерей. Після урочистостей загальна світлина та морозиво від друзів-партнерів.

Charity concert of Ukrainian music at the Yachting Club “SICH”

On 30 Jule 2022 the Yacht Club “SICH” hosted a concert programme “Singing and WINNING!”, sponsored by the Charity Foundation “Yaryna” and the Charitable Fond “SICH”.

The best and most talented figures from the city of Dnipro took part in the performance. The highlight of the evening was a performance by the world famous Military Concert Band of the State Special Transport Service of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine (Artistic Director and Conductor Colonel Bogdan ZADOROZHNY).

Ukrainian music unites and encourages the invincible spirit of Ukrainians! Together to Victory!

We must support our defenders

The Charitable Fond “SICH” team handed over three hundred kits (disposable sponge with dermatological gel + handkerchief) from and protected Panasonic TOUGHBOOK laptops to the soldiers of the 45th separate artillery brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to be able to track down and get ahead of the enemy. This wartime technology is designed to ensure stable and reliable operation in extreme conditions.

You can’t imagine how grateful our defenders are that we are sticking together with you and continuing to fight with them!

And we continue to raise money to provide everything our soldiers need. Together to Victory!

Received kudos for strengthening the defence line of the city of Kryvyi Rih

Aleksandr Panchenko, commander of the RTGr, presented a commendation to the Charitable Fond “SICH” team, which joined in the development and reinforcement of the Kryvyi Rih defence line.

Alexander Panchenko, on behalf of the RTG A1823 personnel, expressed gratitude to all those who joined this work at the request of representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and contributed to the strengthening of the defence of Krivoy Rog, who from the first war days took part daily in strengthening the city outskirts, building fortifications and protecting the territorial integrity of our country.

Proud of our team! Working together in the defence sector will continue in the future to carry out other tasks. Only together will we succeed in this war!

Supporting our defenders, not in word, but in deed

Every day we receive an update on the continuation of the war in the form of bombings and injuries. In order to get the latest news about the liberation and counter-attacks, our team of the Charitable Fond “SICH” continues to support the military.

By working together, we were able to procure and provide equipment for the military.

Our defenders and protectors received food and drink thanks to your support, for a well-fed military is a strong military!

The boys also received bullet-proof waistcoats, armour plates and pellet-bearers, because this is the basic protection that protects life and which all our defenders should have.

Together to victory!

Two thousand promises for the defenders of Ukraine

Today we took help from our friends Rotary Poland. Chotiri majestic pallets with insults for our defenders, 2300 insults at a time are distributed for correction by different routes. We understand how hard it is for our lads at the same time. So, we understand that the right Cossacks buy fat and cibules. Alemie, we will bring not more fear. Boys, cheer up! Glory to Ukraine!

The 38th Missile Regiment now has its own laptops and thermovisors for the reliable defence of the country

Defending our country and keeping an eye on the enemy to be invincible and strong, that’s the main thing now! The 38th Missile Regiment now has its own Panasonic TOUGHBOOK secure laptops to be able to track and defeat the enemy. It’s a military-grade technology that gives defenders stable and reliable performance under extreme conditions.

Also, our team of the Charitable Fond “SICH” has provided our defenders with three Iray Eye C2w thermal imaging cameras, which help them to identify the enemy’s living strength.

Together to Victory!

The 38th missile regiment has received the necessary items

The Charitable Fond “SICH” continues to work for the sake of our victory. Today our team delivered the necessary supplies to the front line for our Ukrainian defenders. Our guys, our guards from the 38th missile regiment, received the necessary supplies, such as: bulletproof vests, tents, karimati, first-aid kits, plasters, vegetables, fruit and scented pies with children’s love notes for the victory!

The volunteer organization “Pavuchki Dnipro” and the Communal Educational Institution “Secondary General Education School No. 56” Dnipro city council has provided our combatants with camouflage coverings so that our defenders were overlook for the enemy.

Thanks to all the volunteers for their support, the work continues and we are looking forward to our victory!