Our team


Viacheslav Didyk

Ukrainian businessman and philanthropist

Charity for me is a humanly necessary activity, which I have been doing in various forms for many years, starting with the foundation of the SICH Yacht Club. I have helped not only those in need, but also active people, athletes who are ready and willing to support the first ones, but do not have the financial means, the necessary knowledge and skills. Since the beginning of the war, we have been living with our patriotism and willingness to sacrifice everything for Ukraine. That is how the idea of a charitable foundation was born. Towards Victory!


Valentyn Kurpai

retired lieutenant colonel of police of investigative law enforcement agencies

All my life I have followed the letter of the law and taught it to my subordinates. For the sake of the victory, the whole world is united around Ukraine, and I had no choice but to join forces with people who are ready to act decisively when needed. All are united by one thing - the belief in victory and the fact that together we are invincible!


Olexandr Vasilenko

Radiophysicist, developer of space rocket systems of telemetry


Litvin Sergey

retired lieutenant colonel of police of investigative law enforcement agencies

Fund member

Nikolenko Muhaiylo

Judge of the Commercial Court of Dnipropetrovsk region

Fund member

Krugovuy Oleksiiy

Judge of the Third Administrative Court of Appeal

Fund member

Fidel Sukhonis

TV journalist, writer, publisher

Fund member

Hanna Kurpai

Legal adviser, employee of the Dnieper City Council

Lawyer by profession, volunteer at heart. I want to be useful for the benefit of my motherland. The Charitable Fond "SICH" is a community of people who believe in their cause and in the future of our country. Regular communication with them gives us hope for tomorrow. The implementation of the projects is a proof that we are moving in the right direction. I am convinced that with every good deed we will bring Ukraine closer to victory.

Fund member

Viktoriia Didyk


I am Didyk Viktoriia V'yacheslavlivna. I have 3 children. For me and my family, charitable activities aimed at supporting culture and spirituality, building family values and helping children who have been left without their fathers by the war are of great importance.

Fund member

Illya Didyk


For me, charity is a notified necessity, or to be more precise, an opportunity to spend the money I managed to earn in a very good way. And even more so now, when there is war in the country.

Fund member

Zhanna Logvunenko


Over the years charity has become much more than a civic duty for me. It has become a sense of life, a string of identity, a way of self-recognition and self-expression. Moreover, working with people allowed me to better understand the Ukrainian society. Already in the first days of the war, the national unity, the fierceness and the opposition of the Ukrainian society, as the guarantor of the victory, were striking.

Fund member

Diana Didyk


For me, participation in the Foundation is about helping the elderly. Social exclusion, poverty, lack of accessible facilities for the needs of the elderly lead to the need for compulsory assistance to lonely and unemancipated pensioners. In times of war this is very important.

Fund member

Danylo Didyk


I am a student and I believe that charity is an indicator of the level of development of society and the country as a whole. It is important that children start doing charity and learn to give back from the schoolbench.

Fund member

Viktoriia Didyk


I am a teacher of visual arts. For me, charity is a very necessary and important cause. It is giving back to society and reviving the tradition of joint problem-solving, plus positive memory. It is important that people start to believe that it is possible to do good without any personal gain other than a sense of right and need.

Fund member

Viacheslav Yefremov
